Home > daily observations > Sigh…Healthcare


In response to a student from the University of Boulder Colorado the President referred to the public health care option dismissively saying that it was not the corner stone of his healthcare plan. Which is odd because I seem to remember that being precisely one of the points of the Health care plan to begin with. I know that for some of my Right Wing, Republican, and/or Conservative readers out there this blog may seem a little left leaning* so this is the post wherein you begin to side with me at least on one issue.

That issue: the fact that the democratic party is a joke. The last time anyone passed anything through congress that was controversial was the Iraq war, and you know what? Every single Republican was in lock-step with each other. It was a party line and there wasn’t a single Republican I can remember that stood up and said that they weren’t for this war. In fact, for the last eight years the only divisive issue in the Republican camp seemed to be who was going to lose to Obama. Which brings me to the question for my right wingers out there: did you guys tank this election on purpose to expose the incompetence of your opposition?

Watching Bill Maher the last few weeks I was angered at the lefties who laughed at the outrageous objections to the health care plan: death counselors, socialism, the federal government meddling with medicare. I was angry because those objections while, ridiculous and coming from right wing radio not politicians, are not being met at all. This from the same party that used to make fun of President Bush for being stupid. What’s more stupid a guy who can’t pronounce “nuclear” or an entire party that can’t figure out a plan they can all agree on then try to pass it.

The thing is that I voted for the president for this platform primarily. To watch it go down in flames because of a lack of solidarity among the party that allegedly supports him is infuriating and reminds me why I am not a registered Democrat. It shouldn’t be this hard. How is it that you can’t convince the general public after all the fiascoes regarding the banking industry, the automotive industry, that the “small business” health insurance companies need to exist. Furthermore how is it when you have UPS, FedEX, and that other one (the yellow one); competing and viably surviving even though the USPS is in existence that private businesses can’t compete with the government. How can you not explain to people that “death squads” is actually end of life counseling and has been in place for a long time? Or that social programs do not equal communism? Or that federal government already handles medicare?

Is it ignorance, incompetence, or apathy? Or is it just that you would rather squabble over whose beak can get the wettest? Why don’t we just scrap this whole democracy thing and elect a dictator for a six months until we can all get our shit together.

*Although a majority of my scattered comments reaching back all the way to when I started this thing in 2004 accuse me of being anti-left. Although I attribute that to the left not being able to take a joke.

Categories: daily observations
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